Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris MID Semester I Kelas (III) 3 SD - Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris MID Semester I Kelas (III) 3 SD. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang contoh soal Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 3 SD. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa, ulangan tengah semester I adalah salah satu bagian dari evaluasi yang merupakan suatu proses yang mencakup pengukuran yang mana siswa/i telah mengikuti beberapa konsep, pokok bahasan pelajaran di semster itu. Bagi guru, ujian ini berfungsi untuk memantau penguasaan siswa terhadap konsep atau pokok bahasan yang sudah dipelajari siswa. Soal-soal tersebut bisa di download beserta kunci jawabannya pada kolom paling bawah. Semoga beberapa soal berikut dapat menjadi referensi bagi kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa/i kelas 3 SD.

A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!
1. Mrs. Nissa is a doctor. She is my ...
A. Uncle
B. Aunt
C. Father

2. She ... my English teacher.
A. Are
B. Am
C. Is

3. There are … days in a week.
A. Six
B. Seven
C. Eight

4. Andy: How old are you?
    Nina: ...
A. I am fine
B. I am eight years old
C. My name is Nina

5. c-S-o-o-h-l
It is a …
A. School
B. Cshool
C. Hooscl

6. Nando ... to be a policeman.
A. Listens
B. Wants
C. Reads

7. Mrs. Rossy is my mother's mother, he is my ...
A. Grandfather
B. Grandmother
C. Aunt

8. Mr. Robby is my father’s brother, he is my ...
A. Grandmother
B. Sister
C. Uncle

The following text is for questions 9 and 13.
Chiko is an elementary student. She is in the third grade. That's is Chiko's school. There are two buildings in Chiko's school. One building consist of six classrooms. And the other building consist of one office, one library, two toilets and canteen. Chiko's school also has a yard. Chiko and her friends always play here at the break time.
9. Chiko is an elementary school ...
A. Grade
B. Friends
C. Student

10. Chiko is in the ... grade.
A. Third
B. Fourth
C. Fifth

11. There are ... buildings in Chiko's school.
A. One
B. Two
C. Three

12. There are ... classrooms.
A. Four
B. Five
C. Six

13. Chiko and his ... always play here at the break time.
A. Teacher
B. Friends
C. Brother

14. Does Mr. Albert like fishing? Yes, ...
A. He does
B. He doesn't
C. I do

15. Do you like swimming? No, ...
A. I don't
B. I does
C. I do

16. Feroz: What are you doing?
      Kanne: I am … a comic.
A. Eating
B. Cleaning
C. Reading

17. I put my pencils and erasers in …
A. My pencil case
B. My whiteboard
C. My wallet

18. want - I - a - to be - fire fighter
The correct arrangement is …
A. I want a to be fire fighter
B. I want to be a fire fighter
C. I want a fire fighter to be 

19. My name is Andy. My hobby is …
A. Playing tennis
B. Reading a book
C. Riding a bike

20. Jack: What is it?
      Jane: It is a ...
A. Table
B. Broom
C. Cupboard

B. Answer the questions below with the correct answer!
  1. E – A – G – … – E The missing alphabet is ________________
  2. Andy: Who is she.
    Eva: ____ is my sister. 
  3. I put my clothes in the ________________
  4. Indry wants to see some animal. She goes to  ________________
  5. After Sunday is ________________

Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris MID Semester I Kelas (III) 3 SD

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