- Soal Ujian Bahasa Inggris Akhir Semester I Kelas (IV) 4 SD. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan berbagi tentang contoh soal Ujian Akhir Semester (UTS) Bahasa Inggris Kelas 4 SD. Sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa, ulangan tengah semester I adalah salah satu bagian dari evaluasi yang merupakan suatu proses yang mencakup pengukuran yang mana siswa/i telah mengikuti beberapa konsep, pokok bahasan pelajaran di semster itu. Bagi guru, ujian ini berfungsi untuk memantau penguasaan siswa terhadap konsep atau pokok bahasan yang sudah dipelajari siswa. Soal-soal tersebut bisa di download beserta kunci jawabannya pada kolom paling bawah. Semoga beberapa soal berikut dapat menjadi referensi bagi kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan bahasa Inggris siswa/i kelas 4 SD.
A. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, or c!
6. Jack: May I borrow your pen? Jane: Yes, of course Jack: ...
7. Our parents are ...
8. There are eleven … in the class. (meja).
9. Clara has a mother. ... name is Mrs. Rossy.
10. Donny is ... a white T-shirt now.
11. Their hobby is playing football. They are playing in the ...
12. We can put all the things in our bag, except ...
13. Today is Tuesday. Tomorrow will be …
14. John: The class is hot, could you ... the fan, please? James: Sure. John: Thank you.
15. I smell something with my ...
The following text is for questions 16 and 19.
I am having breakfast in the dining room. Mother puts some plates, cups, glasses on the table. There is a round table in the middle of the room. The refrigerator is near the window. There is a dishwasher beside the bathroom. There is a cupboard in the corner of the room. My dining room is clean.
16. Where does the writer have breakfast?
17. Where is the table? It is ...
18. The refrigerator is ... the window.
19. My mother puts some ... on the table.
20. Jack: Where is the market? Jane: It is ... the school and hospital.
B. Answer the questions below with the correct answer!
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