Procedural Text Rujak Buah + Jawaban
Soal UN SMP/MTS 2010/2011
The following text is for questions 14 to 16.
Rujak Buah Ingredients: 1 cucumber : peeled 1 papaya : cut into 1/2 inch cubes 1 pineapple : cut into 1/2 inch cubes, fresh or canned pineapple 1 apple tart : cut into 1/2 inch cube 1 mango : peeled, cubed 3 tablespoons peanuts : fry 1 hot chili peppers : seeded, sliced 1/4 cup brown sugar 1 tablespoon tamarind : dissolved in 1/4 cup water, strained Directions:
- What should we do with the peanut before we grind them?
A. Peel them.
B. Roast them.
C. Cut into cubes.
D. Add brown sugar on them.
- What is the purpose of the text above?
A. To inform about delicious Rujak Buah.
B. To show how easy to make Rujak Buah.
C. To show the steps in making Rujak Buah.
D. To inform the material used to make Rujak Buah.
- What should be dissolved?
A. The apple.
B. The mango.
C. The tamarind.
D. The pineapple.
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