Contoh Discussion Text: Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook
Contoh Discussion Text: Advantages and Disadvantages of Facebook
English Admin – learning discussion text. Paling gampang cari wacana bahasa inggris yang bisa dimasukkan sebagai contoh discussion text adalah tulisan yang punya muatan advantages dan disadavantages secara bersamaan dalam text tesebut. Yang belum paham bisa baca pengertian discussion text bahasa Inggris.
Maka dari itu mencari tugas atau PR tentang teks discussion bahasa Inggris itu tidaklah sulit. Temukan wacana yang membeberkan tentagng sisi manfaat dan sisi kerugiaan dalam sebuah diskusi tentang suatu masalah. Contoh dibawah adalah tulisan yang mengulas sisi baik facebook dan juga hal yang negatif terhadap keberadaan situs jejaring sosial terbesar saat ini itu
Hampir sudah bisa dipastikan, jika dalam sebuah teks tersebut memuat pendapat yang setuju dan sekaligus mewadahi pendapat yang tidak setuju terhadap suatu hal, pasti itu termasuk jenis teks discussion dalam bahasa Inggris.
Advantages and Disadvantage of Facebook
kelebihan dan kelemahan facebook sebagai contoh teks discussion bahasa Inggris
Everything which we have in the world has two sides; good aspect and bad one. It is also definitely true for the phenomenon of facebook. There are a large number of people who have facebook account. If we see closely, facebook also has some pros and cons.
Certainly, facebook has many advantages. The easiness of communication is what most people agree. We have had old friends and we are being separated by time and distance. Facebook is a great way to reconnect us again. We have a family who lives far away. Again, Facebook can helps us to stay connected. We can send news and share pictures with them of recent family activities. This easy communication makes us get together though we ar not.
Another advantage of facebook is for bussiness purpose. Some companies use facebook to promote their products and services. They will make Facebook page and write about their product and services and will be easily connected to millions of people in the world. Facebook is a great outlet for companies which needs to find new clients and keep contact with them easily. This is actually the biggest selling point to facebook.
Besides the advantages, facebook has also disadvantages. Facebook is sometime scaring and annoying. It is about a “virtual” friend. Facebook makes such friend connection exist, though may not in fact. Fake Identity is another disadvantage. Who can guarantee that your friends in facebook have used the real identity?
Facebook newsfeed can also become annoying. There are a lot of people who just want to talk everything which sometimes makes no sense for us. Spamming is another problem with facebook. We often receive invitations to games or things which we don’t like but we feel to be forced to like them too.
According to me, facebook is not as an entirely bad thing or a completely good thing. Facebook is absolutely about how we can use it wisely and safely.
Apa Generic Structure Teks Discussion Itu?
Pertanyaan diatas adalah hal yang paling mendasar ketika belajar genre suatu teks. dari sanalah identifikasi jenis bacaan itu bisa dilakukan dengan mudah. Sera uum teks discussion itu terdiri dari:
1. Pernyataan suatu issu: dalam contoh diatas muncunya situs jejaring sosial facebook menjadi isu utama.
- facebook also has some pros and cons.
2. Argument yang mendukung: Setelah melemparkan suatu gagasan atau isu kepada pembaca, penulis harus memberikan satu alasan bukti, atau argumentasi yang mendukung adanya isu diatas
- The easiness of communication is what most people agree.
- facebook is for bussiness purpose
3. Arument yang menolak: Ini adalah wujud keseimbangan sudut pandang yang dianut penusi dan perlu disampaikan kepada pembacanya
- Facebook is sometime scaring and annoying.
- Facebook newsfeed can also become annoying.
4. Adanya rcommendation: Kesimpulan yang perlu ditidaklanjuti oleh pembaca setelah memahami isi tulisan bahasa Inggris tersebut
- Facebook is absolutely about how we can use it wisely and safely.
Itulah contoh discussion text tentang adavantage and disadvantages of facebook. Apakah anda punya account facebook? Kok rasanya sangsi kalau masih ada yang tidak punya account facebook sat sekarang ini. Rata rata dari kita memiliki account ini baik aktif maupun passive user. Semoga bermanfaat.
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