Recount Text dan kunci jawaban

The following text is for questions 1 to 3.

That Sunday evening I felt very tired after hanging out the whole day with my friends at the mall. As soon as I arrived home, I hung my jacket on a hanger and got ready to take a rest. Suddenly I remembered that I had to call a friend. I looked for my cell phone everywhere but couldn't find it. I was getting panicky. I asked everyone in the house whether they knew where my cell phone was but no one knew. Well, I lost it I thought. Then I had an idea. I asked my brother to call my cell phone. To my surprise, I heard it ringing in my jacket. My cell phone was there.
  1. What is the text about?
A. The lost cell phone.
B. My friend's cell phone.
C. Cell phone in the jacket.
D. My brother's cell phone.

            2.      How did the writer get his cell phone back?
A. He asked his friend.
B. He called his friends.
C. He put it on a hanger.
D. He found it in his jacket.

           3.      From the text, we know that the writer is ... person
A. a careful
B. a cautious
C. a forgetful
D. an attentive

46.SOAL: Teks tersebut tentang apa?
PEMBAHASAN: Menanyakan gambaran umum. Teks tersebut membahas tentang telfon seluler yang hilang, yang kemudian ditemukan di saku jaket si penulis sendiri.
JAWAB: A. Telfon seluler yang hilang.

47.SOAL: Bagaimana cara si penulis mendapatkan kembali telfon selulernya?
PEMBAHASAN: Jawaban terdapat pada bagian akhir teks, yang menjelaskan bahwa si penulis mendengar telfonnya berdering di jaketnya.
JAWAB: D. Dia menemukannya di jaketnya.

48.SOAL: Dari teks tersebut kita tahu bahwa si penulis adalah orang yang…
PEMBAHASAN: Berdasarkan isi teks, penulis lupa di mana dia menyimpan telfon selulernya. Dengan demikian, si penulis adalah orang yang pelupa(forgetful).
JAWAB: C. pelupa.

answered by haarrr.wordpress[.]com

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