It was a Lovely Party: Contoh Recount Text dan Generic Structure

It was a Lovely Party: Contoh Recount Text dan Generic Structure

Semua contoh recount text dalam bahasa Inggris bisa berupa penglaman pribadi, sebuah fakta sejarah, dan malah pengalaman imajinatif seseorang. Tinggal cara bagaimana penulisan dan penyusunan tulisanitu hinggah bisa dijadikan contoh teks recount.

Cara menyusun tulisan supaya bisa digolongkan menjadi contoh recount text bahasa Inggris haruslah memenuhi unsur 3 macam generic structurenya, yaitu; orientation, events, dan reorientation. Bagimana element generic structure itu dipalikasikan? Lihat tabel dibawah ini

Title It was Lovely Party
Orientation It was Friday again, the day for famous parties at Wellington High School.
Series of Events 1
 Tim noticed Sarah and felt shocked. He had been looking for her for 2 years.
Series of Events 2
 Tim decided to talk to her and waited for her friend to leave.
Reorientation No one was happier than Sarah and Tim.

Nah table diatas menunjukkan bagimana sebuah muatan generic structure sebuah teks berbentuk recount. Untuk wacana jadinya bisa bacalah tulisan pendek berikut

It was Really a Lovely Party  for Tim and Sarah

contoh recount text tentang penglaman pribadi

Pemaparan peristiwa atau pengalaman di waktu lampau bisa dijadikan sebagi contoh recount text bahasa Inggris

It was Friday again, the day for famous parties at Wellington High School. Students were dancing in the garden and everyone was enjoying the pleasure of being away from boring lessons.

When Sarah came to the party, the music had already started. Tim suddenly noticed Sarah and felt shocked. He had been looking for her for 2 years. They met each other at a holiday camp in 1999, but mysteriously Sarah disappeared after a while. He had been thinking about her since then.

At the party, Sarah was talking to one of her friends while most of the students were drinking as much as they could. Tim decided to talk to her and waited for her friend to leave. When he went next to her, she was searching for something in her bag, so she did not see him. As soon as he touched her on the shoulder, she raised her head and couldn’t believe her eyes. She had never forgot him.

At the end of the party, no one was happier than Sarah and Tim as they found each other after 2 years.

Sumber: Contoh recount text tentang pengalaman pesta ini bersumber dari:

Intinya semua teks yang bisa digolongkan menjadi tulisan recount bersumber dari peristiwa di waktu lampau boleh pengalamn pribadi, peristiwa sejarah, atau pengalamn imajinatif. Penulisannya harus memakai salah satu atau lebih dari tenses lampau intuk teks recount, Simple Past tense, Past Continuous Tense, dan Past Perfect Tense. Untuk lebih lanjut tentng apa dan bagimana teks recount bahasa Inggris itu bisa baca artikel dibawah ini:

Demikian belajar bahasa Inggris contoh recount text bahasa Inggris tentang pengalaman pesta yang sangat menakjubkan. Kuci dari pemahaman teks jenis retel a story begini adalah seberapa jauh kita memahami tenses untuk kejadian di waktu lampau. Selamat belajar.
It is presented for exercise of Simple Past Tense, Past Continuous Tense, and Past Perfect Tense

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