Examples - Supporting Topic Sentence

Setelah memahami topic sentence, supporting sentence dan paragraph unity, sekarang saatnya membahas lebih jauh mengenai cara mengembangkan sebuah paragraf. Dalam dunia penulisan paragraf, ada beberapa hal yang bisa menambah tulisan kita menjadi lebih baik. Yaitu dengan mengembangkan paragraf kita menggunakan beberapa kalimat yang mendukung topic sentence.

Salah satu paragraf yang bisa mendukung topic sentence yaitu dengan membuat beberapa kalimat jenis examples (kalimat contoh). Dengan ini, sebuah paragraf akan lebih baik dengan adanya supporting topic sentence dengan menggunakan examples:

Menurut (1981: 22) mendefinisikan examples sebagai berikut:

An example is a specific instance that explains the idea.

Jadi sebuah kalimat pendukung topic sentence jenis example ini adalah kalimat yang memberikan beberapa contoh spesifik yang menjelaskan ide (topic sentence) yang sedang dibahas.

Contoh paragraf dimana supporting topic sentencenya menggunakan examples:

Some of the most interesting words in English are the actual names of the people first involved in the activities conveyed by the meanings of the words. The word boycott, for instance, derives from the case of Sir Charles Boycott (1832-97), a land agent in Ireland who was ostracized by his tenants because he refused to lower the rents. Vidkun Quisling's name quickly became an infamous addition to the English language during World War II. He was a Norwegian politician who betrayed his country to the Nazis, and his name, quisling, is now synonymous with "traitor," Perhaps a more common example, at least among young people around the world, is Levi's. These popular blue jeans are named after levi Str"auss, the man who first manufactured them in San Francisco in 1850. Perhaps most omnipresent of all is the sandwich, named for the Fourth Earl of Sandwich (1718-92), who created this quick portable meal so that he would not have to leave the gambling table to eat. Other words in this unique category include lynch, watt, davenport, and zeppelin.

Topic sentence paragraf diatas adalah Some of the most interesting words in English are the actual names of the people first involved in the activities conveyed by the meanings of the words.

Seperti kita ketahui dalam bahasan mengenai topic sentence, terdapat dua elemen yang menjadi pembahasan dalam topic sentence yaitu topic dan limiting statement. Topic dari topic sentence tersebut adalah most interesting words; sedang limiting statement dalam topic sentence tersebut adalah names of people.

Dengan demikian, penjelasan mengenai supporting topic sentence menggunakan examples ini berkaitan dengan most interesting words dan names of people. Sehingga, contoh-contoh yang diberikan dalam supporting sentence berkaitan dengan dua hal tersebut.

Dalam paragraf diatas, kita tahu bahwa kata-kata seperti boycott, quisling, Levi, sandwich adalah beberapa contoh dari most interesting words dari names of people.

Kira-kira jika digambarkan seperti ini:

Untuk memperjelas supporting topic sentence menggunakan examples ini, mari kita lihat beberapa contoh paragraf examples berikut:

In order to be considered a hero by his own and subsequent generations, a person must display extraordinary physical or intellectual powers. The physical hero—one who exhibits great strength to overcome monumental obstacles and emerge a victor—is found frequently In literature. Samson, although chained and bound, used his superhuman strength to destroy his enemies, the Philistines, likewise, Dwight Eisenhower, a more contemporary physical hero, surmounted overwhelming odds to organize the successful Allied invasion of "Fortress Europe" during World War II. A second heroic type is the intellectual, admired for his mental prowess and the way he uses it to the benefit of mankind. Leonardo DaVinci, with his studies of architecture, human anatomy, and engineering, in addition to his great artistic achievements, belongs to this second type. More recently, Albert Einstein, who not only made far-reaching contributions in the physical sciences, but also worked diligently towards achieving world peace, illustrates the intellectual hero.

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