Quiz: Pronouns Part 1
AdminDapodik.com - Quiz Pronouns Part I. Pronoun adalah kata ganti yang digunakan untuk menggantikan noun (kata benda) seperti; orang, hewan, benda, maupun hal-hal lainnya yang bersifat abstrak. Berikut ini akan saya bagikan beberapa contoh soal tentang pronouns untuk meningkatkan pemahaman bahasa Inggris.
Add pronoun to complete the sentences.
Pronouns Practice Sheet 1
Select the correct pronoun that goes with the verb in each sentence.
- _______ (I, They, He) are having trouble getting back to the library.
- What time was _______ (we, they, she) planning on leaving?
- Six of _______ (me, us, you) went to the store with Andy.
- Every Thursday, Jim goes for swimming with _______. (I, he, them).
- Sara wanted to watch movie with _______. (them, they, she)
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Fill in the blanks with a suitable pronoun.
- Tom and I are going to the circus. ________ are meeting at three o'clock.
- The baby is crying loudly. ________ looks hungry.
- You feet are very dirty. ________ must wash them.
- Peacock is a beautiful bird. ________ has colorful feathers.
- I have two kitten ________ have a puppy too.
Lihat Kunci JawabanSelect the correct pronoun that goes with the verb in each sentence.
Fill in the blanks with a suitable pronoun.
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Pronouns Practice Sheet 2
Add pronoun to complete the sentences.
me | it | he |
we | they | I |
she | you | him |
- The bird sat on branch. ________________ had a worm in it's beak.
- John was not happy. ________________ had a bad cold.
- After school you and ________________ must discuss a few things.
- Peter and Sue were excited. ________________ were going to the circus.
- My marks are not good. ________________ did not study very hard.
- Linda is a good student. ________________ does her home work.
- John, do _______________ play the guitar?
- My brother and I play football. ________________ play in the school team.
- My sister Jane loves books. This novel is for ________________
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Untuk melihat kunci jawaban dari soal-soal di atas, silahkan klik tombol Lihat Kunci Jawaban. Semoga artikel tentang "Quiz: Pronouns Part I" bermanfaat bagi anda. |
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