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Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2017

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Audio Listening UN Bahasa Inggris SMA 2017


Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 1.
Man: Nana wait! I have good news for you.
Woman: What about?
Man: Now, I'm not just an employee but I'm a manager.
Woman: That's great! I'm happy to hear that you've succeeded in your career.
Man: Thank you, wish me luck.

1. Narrator: What does the woman express?
Pertanyaan "What does the woman express?" (Apa yang wanita itu nyatakan?). Si wanita mengatakan "That's great! I'm happy to hear that you've succeeded in your career." Dari ungkapan tersebut kita bisa mengetahui bahwa wanita itu memberikan ucapan selamat Congratulations.
Jawaban: B

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 2.
Man: Oh my god, this traffic is making me crazy.
Woman: Absolutely! I think  there must be an accident.
Man: I think so too. It's almost seven o'clock. We'll be late for school.
Woman: We'd better tell our teacher that we're coming late, because of the traffic. We hope and pray that traffic will be fine soon and we will not miss the first lesson.
Man: Okay, let's call her.

2. Narrator: What is the best solution they have?
Untuk pertanyaan "Apa solusi terbaik yang mereka miliki?" Untuk jawabannya bisa kita lihat pada pernyataan "We'd better tell our teacher that we're coming late". Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa mereka sebaiknya menghubungi gurunya untuk meminta maaf atas keterlambatan yang dikarenakan macet Call the teacher.
Jawaban: C

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 3.
Woman: What's wrong mike? You look terrible.
Man: I have a terrible cough. I couldn't sleep last night.
Woman: You should stop smoking. I'm sure, you'll feel better soon.
Man: Maybe you're right, this must be because of smoking.

3. Narrator: What are they talking about?
Pertanyaan "Apa yang sedang mereka bicarakan?" Dapat disimpulkan mereka sedang membicarakan A terrible cough.
Jawaban: B

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 4.
Man: You look very happy. Is it good news?
Woman: Yeah... Guess what? I passed the SNMPTN.
Man: Oh really? That's awesome! What faculty?
Woman: Medical faculty of Indonesian University.
Man: Wow! Marvelous. You're going to study to become a doctor. You've deserve it, because you've been working hard.

4. Narrator: Why was the woman look happy? 
Pertnyaan "Kenapa si wanita terlihat bahagia?" Dijelaskan dalam dialogue, si wanita mengatakan "I passed the SNMPTN." Jurusan yang diambil Medical faculty di Universitas Indonesia. Jadi, dapat disimpulkan bahwa dia akan menyambung pendidikan di Universitas tersebut She has been accepted at medical faculty.
Jawaban: C


Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 5. 
Man: Donna, come here!
Woman: Yes, what's the matter Sir?
Man: Look! You've got D. You always talk to your friends and you don't pay attention in class.
Woman: _________________ .

5. Narrator: What is the best response for Donna?
A. Yes Sir, that's right
B. I'm sorry Sir, I promise
C. I don't care Sir, I don't like it
D. I'm sorry Sir, I will study better

Dalam dialogue, guru mengatakan kalo si wanita mendapat nilai D karena beberapa alasan. Respon yang paling tepat untuk pernyataan yang diberikan guru tersebut adalah I'm sorry Sir, I will study better.
Jawaban: D

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 6.
Man: Susan! Are you ready to go to school now? I've been waiting for you downstairs.
Woman: Dad, I'm not going to school today.
Man: Darling! What's the matter with you?
Woman: I'm not feeling well today, but I have some tests today. What should I do Dad?
Man: _________________ .

6. Narrator: What is the best response for the father?
A. You must go to the park for the test today
B. Take a rest and I'll call your teacher
C. It's up to you and I don't care
D. I will take the test

Dalam dialogue, si wanita mengatakan bahwa dia sedang tidak enak badan namun ada beberapa test hari ini. Si gadis meminta pendapat ayahnya "What should I do Dad?". Respon yang sesuai adalah Take a rest and I'll call your teacher.
Jawaban: B

Perhatikan dialogue dari audio yang anda dengar untuk melengkapi respon yang tepat untuk soal No 7.
Woman: Excuse me. Would you please come to the meeting after lunch?
Man: Why not? I'm a new employee, I'm ready to go anytime.
Woman: Thank you. Don't forget to bring your laptop!
Man: Yes Ma'am, anything else?
Woman: Okay, thank you.
Man: _______________________ .

7. Narrator: What does the man probably reply?
A. Sorry, I don't understand you
B. It's okay. Don't disturb me!
C. You know, actually I'm busy
D. You are welcome

Dalam dialogue, si wanita mengatakan "Okay, thank you." Ungkapan yang tepat untuk merespon kalimat wanita tersebut adalah You are welcome.
Jawaban: D


Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 8.
This is a place where you can find information about the past. Some parts of the places have been designed to look the same as the past. Some other parts are used to keep some artifacts and other unique things found in some areas. Teachers are usually ask students to attend this place, so they can learn by themselves. However, many teenagers are not interested they like going to cinemas or malls.

8. Narrator: Which is the place the speaker described?
Kata kunci yang harus diperhatikan dalam monolog tersebut adalah find information about the past, artifacts and unique things. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud adalah Museum. Hal tersebut bisa kita temukan pada pernyataan "eachers are usually ask students to attend this place,..." Gambar yang menunjukkan Museum adalah Gambar C.
Janwaban: C

Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 9.
This place is one of Bali's most important landmarks. Famed for its unique offshore setting and sunset backdrop. An ancient Hindu shrine perched on top of an outcrop amidst constantly crashing waves. This place is simply among Bali's not to be missed icons. Nearby there are visitors leisure facilities including restaurants, shops and a cultural park presenting dance performances. The temple is located in the Braban village of the Tabanan Regency. Approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Kuta and is included on most tours to Bali's Western and central regions.

9. Narrator: Which picture is described in the monologue?
Kata kunci yang harus diperhatikan dalam monolog tersebut adalah unique offshore, sunset backdrop and the temple. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang dimaksud adalah salah satu candi yang berada di dekat pantai. Gmbar yang menunjukkan situasi tersebut adalah Gambar C.
Janwaban: C

Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 10.
Nearly everyone has heard of King Tut, his tomb was discovered by archeologist Howard Carter in 1922. The tomb was filled with wonderful artifacts, almost certainly the most valuable ones ever in one place in the word. Absolutely, the best of the bunch is King Tut's death masks, crafted of gold lapis lazuli carnelian and other semi precious stones. King Tutankhamun was a short lived Pharaoh during the eighteenth dynasty of Egypt. King Tut's mummy has probably been investigated more than any other in history.

10. Narrator: Which picture is described in the monologue?
Teks monolog diatas membahas tentang King Tut.  Lebih tepatnya teks tersebut mendeskripsikn makam ditemukan oleh arkeolog Howard Carter pada tahun 1922. Makam itu penuh dengan artefak indah yang mana berada di Mesir. Gambar yang sesuai dengan deskripsi tersebut adalah Gambar A.
Jawaban: A

Perhatikan monologue dan gambar dari audio yang anda dengar untuk soal No 11.
This is the form of liquid droplets that appears on thin exposed objects in the morning or evening due to condensation. As the exposed surface cools by radiating its heat atmospheric moisture condenses at a rate greater than that at which it can evaporate resulting in the formation of water droplets. When temperatures are low enough, it takes the form of ice. This form is called frost.

11. Narrator: Which picture is described in the monologue?
Kata kunci yang harus diperhatikan dalam monolog tersebut adalah liquid droplets, condensation and frost. Monologue tersebut menjelaskan tentang tetesan cairan yang biasa di jumpai pada dedaunan di pagi hari. Gambar yang sesuai dengan deskripsi tersebut adalah Gambar E.
Jawaban: E


Question 12 and 13 are based on the following monologue.
West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) will host a festival on Nov. 5 to 6 centering on three picturesque islands, namely Gili Trawangan, Gili Air and Gili Meno. In addition to attracting tourists, the Pesona Gili Indah Festival is aimed at promoting the three islands as conservation destinations. "That is why the festival will host a series of events that relate to environmental issues like restoring coral reefs, tree seed planting and beach cleaning," NTB's tourism and cultural agency head, Lalu Mohammad Faozal, said in Mataram on Tuesday.
"The festival will open with the release of hundreds of tukik [baby turtles] on Gili Trawangan in the early morning on Nov. 5," said Lalu, adding that the event would close with a beach cleaning activity, with participants expected to include community members, tourists and representatives from hotels and restaurants on the three islands.
"We are aiming to attract at least 10,000 tourists to join the festivities," said Lalu.

12. Narrator: What is the topic of the monologue?
Topik yang dibahas pada teks monologue tersebut adalah tentang West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) yang akan menyelenggarakan festival pada 5 sampai 6 November yang berpusat di tiga pulau yang indah, yaitu Gili Trawangan, Gili Air dan Gili Meno. Jawaban tersebut bisa kita lihat pada bagian "host a festival on Nov. 5 to 6 ..." Jawaban yang tepat adalah Hosting a festival in NTB.
Jawaban: B

13. Narrator: What will happen if the festival is successful?
Jawaban bisa kita temukan pada kalimat "We are aiming to attract at least 10,000 tourists to join the festivities," said Lalu. Jika festival tersebut dapat mendatangkan sekita 10.000 wisatawan. Dapat disimpulkan hal tersebut akan menambah pendapatan bagi pemerintah dan warga sekitar. Jawaban yang tepat adalah More income will be generated for the government and local people
Jawaban: C

Question 14 and 15 are based on the following monologue.
General Sudirman was a high ranking Indonesian military officer during the Indonesian national revolution. He was the first commander-in-chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces, he continues to be widely respected in the country. On 12 November 1945, at an election to decide the military's commander-in-chief in Yogyakarta. The 24 years old Sudirman was chosen over Oerip Soemohardjo in a close vote. While waiting to be confirmed, Sudirman ordered an assault on British and Dutch forces in Ambarawa. The ensuing battle and British withdrawal strengthened Sudirman's popular support, and he was ultimately confirmed on 18 December. General Sudirman commanded military activities throughout Java, including a show of force in Yogyakarta on 1 March 1949. When the Dutch began withdrawing, in July 1949 Sudirman was recalled to Yogyakarta and forbidden to fight further. In late 1949 Sudirman's tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month after the Dutch recognised Indonesia's independence. He is buried at Semaki Heroes' Cemetery in Yogyakarta.

14. Narrator: What is the monologue about?
Dalam teks monolog tesebut membahas Biografi Jenderal Sudirman. Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah A biography of General Soedirman.
Jawaban: A

15. Narrator: What can we infer from the monolugue?
Untuk mendapatkan kesimpulan yang tepat dari teks monolugue tersebut, kita bisa mengacu pada kalimat "In late 1949 Sudirman's tuberculosis returned, and he retired to Magelang, where he died slightly more than a month after the Dutch recognised Indonesia's independence." Pada akhir tahun 1949 Jendral Sudirman jatuh sakit dan harus pensiun. Dia meninggal sebulan kemudian, bisa disimpulkan beliau wafat pada bulan Januari 1950. Pada kalimat sebelumnya telah dijelaskan bahwa pada tanggal 12 November 1945 Jendral Sudirman berusia 24 tahun. Jika dihitung dengan teliti beliau meninggal pada usia 34 tahun (relatif muda) Jadi jawaban yang tepat adalah Soedirman died when he was relatively young.
Janwaban: D


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