Kumpulan Soal News Item Text SMA dan Pembahasan
AdminDapodik.com - Kumpulan Soal News Item Text SMA dan Pembahasan. News Item text adalah salah satu jenis teks yang yang menginformasikan pembaca tentang peristiwa/kejadian sehari-hari yang layak diberitakan atau penting. Pada postingan kali ini saya akan membagikan tentang Kumpulan Contoh Soal News Item Text Untuk SMA dan Pembahasan. Kumpulan soal News Item Text berikut ini saya kumpulkan dari berbagai naskah soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMA. Untuk lebih jelasnya Anda bisa kunjungi link berikut ini Pembahasan Soal UN Bahasa Inggris SMP dan SMA (2009-2017) Semoga kumpulan soal-soal berikut ini dapat membantu kita untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam Bahasa Inggris.
The following text is for questions 1 to 4.
Most people assume that life in the rat race is bad for your health. But reversing the traditional gender roles, being a house husband is a stressful business, according to the latest research by American scientists. By giving up their jobs in order to become house husbands, men increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based on 10 year study of 2.500 people in Boston, USA.
According to Dr Elaine Eaker, the key to the problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by society. Men who stay at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as women do the same.
Jack O’Sullivan, of the Father’s Direct group, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the main career should be a woman and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups.
Professor Gary Cooper, a psychologist at the University of Manchester, said many men tend to underestimate the task of caring for a family. He said “Most men think being a house husband involves putting on a bit of washing, taking the kids to school and then putting their feet up with a cup of coffee.
They are crazy. Most men are not used to performing a variety of activities simultaneously (the kind of multi-tasking which is second nature to most women).”
It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that women in high-powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior positions.
The following text is for questions 5 to 7.
The following text is for questions 8 to 10.
The following text is for questions 11 to 13.
Spanish thief saw himself as Robin Hoodlike bandit
Madrid (Reuters) – Spain’s most wanted thief, “The Loner,” saw himself as a Robin Hood – style fi gure and said he robbed banks only because they stole money from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.
Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa.
“I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at offi cers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested,” Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspaper El Pais and El Mundo. Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.
The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery – Reuters.
The following text is for questions 15 and 16.
The following text is for questions 17 to 19.
The following text is for questions 20 to 22.
Schumacher to retire again
Michael Schumacher announced his retirement from formula one for the second time at the age of 43 on Thursday after failing to rekindle his old Ferrari magic in a disappointing comeback with Mercedes.
The team had already announced last week that the seven-time world champion, winner of a record 91 races in a career that started in 1991, would be replaced by McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton for the start of the 2013 campaign.
Schumacher told reporters, packed into the confined space of the tented Mercedes hospitality at the Suzuka circuit ahead of Sunday’s Japanese Grand Prix that his decision came as a relief.
“I have decided to retire by the end of the year, although I am still able and capable to compete with the best drivers that are around,” he declared, reading from a statement. “But at some point, it is good to say goodbye. And that is what I am doing here ... and might this time be forever,” he smiled.
Schumacher first retirement came at the end of 2006, after he had won five titles in a row with Ferrari from 2000 and won two with the Benetton in 1994 and 1995.
That departure proved premature, with the most successful driver in 62-year history of the sport unable to resist the allure of a return with Mercedes. Schumacher said he now wanted to enjoy his last six races-Reuters.
The following text is for questions 23 to 25.
Ragunan Zoo: Not yet a world class attraction
The city administrastration offered Ragunan Zoo in South Jakarta the financial support it need to become a world-class tourist destination, but the offer was refused by the management.
Governor Joko ”Jokowi” Widodo offered to disburse up to Rp500 billion (US$45,5 million) for the project, with the only requirement being a master plan that would be valid for a century.
“The preparation to make the blueprint and macro design for the zoo should start now. The administration is ready to release the funds as long as there is a clear program,” he said on the sidelines of the public dialogue at the zoo on Tuesday.
The newly installed zoo supervisor, business tycoon Hashim Djojohadikusumo, declined the offer, saying that blueprint could only be formulated next year.
He further insisted” we can request budget funds the following year once we finish collecting public feed back.” Zoo director Marsawitri Gumay said that the zoo was in dire need of more funds to improve infrastructure, such as animal enclosures.
On regular days, the 147-hectare zoo is visited by around 3,000 people, this number rises to 20,000 people on weekends and can reach 60,000 during school holidays. During peak seasons, such as Idul Fitri, visitors can number over 140,000 each day.
“With such a tight budget, we cannot make infrastructure improvements. Most of enclosure need to be replaced, not to mention street vendors who enter the zoo and littering visitors,” Marsawitri said.
The following text is for questions 26 to 28.
The following text is for questions 29 to 31.
The following text is for questions 32 and 33.
The following text is for questions 34 and 35.
The following text is for questions 36 to 38.
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According to Dr Elaine Eaker, the key to the problem is that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by society. Men who stay at home tend not to have the same levels of support from friends and family as women do the same.
Jack O’Sullivan, of the Father’s Direct group, was quoted as saying: “Society expects the main career should be a woman and society is structured around that. Day care is called mother and toddler groups and some men feel awkward about belonging to those groups.
They are crazy. Most men are not used to performing a variety of activities simultaneously (the kind of multi-tasking which is second nature to most women).”
It is estimated that men have taken over the main homemaker’s role in one in seven homes, as increasing numbers of women become the main breadwinner. The study also found that women in high-powered jobs were more likely to develop heart disease than those in more junior positions.
1. The main idea of the first paragraph is .... |
2. “Some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assign to them by society.” (Paragraph 2) The statement above is the result of research done by .... |
3. The purpose of the text is .... |
4. Some house husbands become stressed because .... |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 1 sampai 4.
1. Ide pokok pada paragraf pertama bisa dilihat pada bagian teks "By giving up their jobs in order to become house husbands, men increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based on 10 year study of 2.500 people in Boston, USA." Jadi, ide pokoknya adalah The result of the research showed that house husbands tend to have heart attacks.
Jawaban: E
2. Pernyataan tersebut ditemukan pada paragraf kedua yaitu "According to Dr Elaine Eaker, the key to the problem is that some men became stressed" Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Dr Elaine Eaker.
Jawaban: C
3. Teks tersebut adalah "Explanation text" yang berjuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana dan mengapa suatu proses bisa terjadi. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah To explain to readers why house husbands are subjects to heart attack.
Jawaban: D
4. Pada kalimat “... that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assigned to them by society” dan dan kalimat “Most men are not used to performing a variety of activities simultaneously.” Jadi, yang menyebabkan menjadi seorang ayah yang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga tertekan adalah karena mereka tidak terbiasa menjalankan tugas-tugas yang tidak sesuai peranannya dalam masyarakat. Pilihan yang tepat They are not used to doing house keeping.
Jawaban: E
1. Ide pokok pada paragraf pertama bisa dilihat pada bagian teks "By giving up their jobs in order to become house husbands, men increase their risk of heart attack or coronary disease by as much as 82%, according to research based on 10 year study of 2.500 people in Boston, USA." Jadi, ide pokoknya adalah The result of the research showed that house husbands tend to have heart attacks.
Jawaban: E
2. Pernyataan tersebut ditemukan pada paragraf kedua yaitu "According to Dr Elaine Eaker, the key to the problem is that some men became stressed" Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Dr Elaine Eaker.
Jawaban: C
3. Teks tersebut adalah "Explanation text" yang berjuan untuk menjelaskan bagaimana dan mengapa suatu proses bisa terjadi. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah To explain to readers why house husbands are subjects to heart attack.
Jawaban: D
4. Pada kalimat “... that some men became stressed about performing a role not traditionally assigned to them by society” dan dan kalimat “Most men are not used to performing a variety of activities simultaneously.” Jadi, yang menyebabkan menjadi seorang ayah yang mengerjakan pekerjaan rumah tangga tertekan adalah karena mereka tidak terbiasa menjalankan tugas-tugas yang tidak sesuai peranannya dalam masyarakat. Pilihan yang tepat They are not used to doing house keeping.
Jawaban: E
The following text is for questions 5 to 7.
SINGAPORE: A supervisor was jailed for two months for repeatedly striking his Indonesian maid on the head and back with a television remote control, news reports said on Thursday.
Muhammad Shafiq Woon Abdullah admitted in Singapore court. He physically abused the woman on several occasions, between June and October 2002, The Straits Times said.
The magistrate's court heard that Shafiq, 31; began striking Winarti, 22, about a month after she started working for him.
He hit her on the head with the TV set's remote control because he was unhappy with her work. On one occasion, he punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming.
S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq's lawyer, said his client had become mad when he saw his daughter's face covered as she laid in bed.
He said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger. - DPA.
Muhammad Shafiq Woon Abdullah admitted in Singapore court. He physically abused the woman on several occasions, between June and October 2002, The Straits Times said.
The magistrate's court heard that Shafiq, 31; began striking Winarti, 22, about a month after she started working for him.
He hit her on the head with the TV set's remote control because he was unhappy with her work. On one occasion, he punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming.
S.S. Dhillon, Shafiq's lawyer, said his client had become mad when he saw his daughter's face covered as she laid in bed.
He said his client thought the maid had put the child in danger. - DPA.
5. The text reported .... |
6. When did Shafiq physically abuse the woman .... |
7. Why did Shafiq punch Winarti on her back? She was accused of .... |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 5 dan 7.
5. Pada awal paragraf pertama tenera main idea dari teks tersebut yaitu seorang supervisor Singapura yang dipenjara karena menganiaya pembantu asal lndonesia. Maka, jawabannya adalah A Singaporean supervisor who was jailed because of striking his maid.
Jawaban: E
6. Jawabannya tertera jelas pada paragraf ke dua Between June and October 2002.
Jawaban: A
7. Jawabanya dapat ditemukan pada paragraf ke empat baris terakhir. “He punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming." Maka, jelas jawabannya adalah Daydreaming.
Jawaban: D
5. Pada awal paragraf pertama tenera main idea dari teks tersebut yaitu seorang supervisor Singapura yang dipenjara karena menganiaya pembantu asal lndonesia. Maka, jawabannya adalah A Singaporean supervisor who was jailed because of striking his maid.
Jawaban: E
6. Jawabannya tertera jelas pada paragraf ke dua Between June and October 2002.
Jawaban: A
7. Jawabanya dapat ditemukan pada paragraf ke empat baris terakhir. “He punched her on the back after accusing her of daydreaming." Maka, jelas jawabannya adalah Daydreaming.
Jawaban: D
The following text is for questions 8 to 10.
YONKERS, Nov 12 th. A four alarm fire damaged 14 stores today in the Cross County Shopping Center, the largest shopping center in Westchester County.
Two fire investigators said the blaze apparently started in a pile of cardboard cartons at the rear of a shoe store and spread through a utilities duct above the 13 other stores. The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m. The center is on the Cross County Parkway at the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway.
Five fire-fi ghters were busy at the scene. Lieut. John Carey of the Yonkers Arson Squad said the cause of the fire was under investigation.
Two fire investigators said the blaze apparently started in a pile of cardboard cartons at the rear of a shoe store and spread through a utilities duct above the 13 other stores. The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m. The center is on the Cross County Parkway at the Gov. Thomas E. Dewey Thruway.
Five fire-fi ghters were busy at the scene. Lieut. John Carey of the Yonkers Arson Squad said the cause of the fire was under investigation.
8. The text mainly tells us about .... |
9. The fire has lasted about .... |
10. How many investigators and fire fighters were involved in the scene? |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 8 dan 10.
8. Informasi utama dalam wacana bisa dilihat dari kalimat teks ” ... fire damaged 14 stores today in the cross county shopping center" (... hari ini, kebakaran merusak 14 toko di pusat perbelanjaan Cross County...) Pilihan yang tepat adalah A fire in the shopping center.
Jawaban: C
9. Kalimat soal mempunyai arti: Kebakaran telah berlangsung kira-kira selama ....“ Dari kalimat teks “The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m.” (Kebakaran dmmulai jam 4.40 sore dan dinyatakan terkendali jam 6.14 sore) bisa diketahui bahwa kebakaran telah berlangsung kira-kira 90 menit One and a half hours.
Jawaban: D
10. Dari kalimat pada teks "" dan "" bisa disimpulkan bahwa jumlah "investigators" dan fighters adalah tujuh Seven.
Jawaban: B
8. Informasi utama dalam wacana bisa dilihat dari kalimat teks ” ... fire damaged 14 stores today in the cross county shopping center" (... hari ini, kebakaran merusak 14 toko di pusat perbelanjaan Cross County...) Pilihan yang tepat adalah A fire in the shopping center.
Jawaban: C
9. Kalimat soal mempunyai arti: Kebakaran telah berlangsung kira-kira selama ....“ Dari kalimat teks “The fire started at 4.40 p.m. and was declared under control at 6.14 p.m.” (Kebakaran dmmulai jam 4.40 sore dan dinyatakan terkendali jam 6.14 sore) bisa diketahui bahwa kebakaran telah berlangsung kira-kira 90 menit One and a half hours.
Jawaban: D
10. Dari kalimat pada teks "" dan "" bisa disimpulkan bahwa jumlah "investigators" dan fighters adalah tujuh Seven.
Jawaban: B
The following text is for questions 11 to 13.
Madrid (Reuters) – Spain’s most wanted thief, “The Loner,” saw himself as a Robin Hood – style fi gure and said he robbed banks only because they stole money from the public, his lawyer said Thursday.
Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, Spanish media reported, citing lawyer Jose Mariano Trillo-Figueroa.
“I am not a killer and if I was obliged to shoot at offi cers of the law, it was always against my will and in order to avoid being arrested,” Jimenez said in a letter reproduced on the websites of newspaper El Pais and El Mundo. Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig, thinks of himself as Curro Jimenez, a Spanish 1970s television bandit in the style of Robin Hood.
The Loner was arrested in Portugal, armed with a submachine gun in preparation for another bank robbery – Reuters.
11. What is the text about? |
12. Before arrested, Jaime Jimenez Arbe ... in Spain. |
13. The reason why “The Loner” robbed banks is because .... |
14. “Trillo-Figueroa said Jimenez, who robbed the banks disguised in a false beard and a wig ...“ (Paragraph 3) The underlined word ‘disguised’ means .... |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 11 sampai 14.
11. Teks melaporkan berita penangkapan pencuri ber-kebangsaan Spanyol yang paling dicari di Portugal The arresting of Spain. most wanted thief in Portugal.
Jawaban: C
12. Dari paparan paragraf 2: "Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, ...", kita tahu bahwa saat ditangkap Jaime Jiminez Arbe telah membunuh 3 personil kepolisian dan merampok lebih dari 30 bank. Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Would have killed three officers of the law.
Jawaban: C
13. Perhatikan perkataan Loner pada paragraf 1: "...he robbed banks only because they stole money from the public, ...". Alasan Loner merampok bank adalah karena menurutnya bank telah merampok uang dari masyarakat. Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah He believed that the banks stole money from the public.
Jawaban: D
14. Kata disguise memiliki arti (menyamar), yang sama artinya dengan "change appearance" (mengubah penampilannya). Frase pada opsi lain masing-masing memiliki arti: reduce confidence (mengurangi kepercayaan diri) damage reputation (merusak nama baik) expose to view (menampakan untuk dilihat) dan made known (terkenal). Sinonim dari kata disguise adalah Change appearance.
Jawaban: A
11. Teks melaporkan berita penangkapan pencuri ber-kebangsaan Spanyol yang paling dicari di Portugal The arresting of Spain. most wanted thief in Portugal.
Jawaban: C
12. Dari paparan paragraf 2: "Accused of killing three policemen and holding up more than 30 banks, Jaime Jimenez Arbe was planning to move on to insurance companies when he was arrested last month, ...", kita tahu bahwa saat ditangkap Jaime Jiminez Arbe telah membunuh 3 personil kepolisian dan merampok lebih dari 30 bank. Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Would have killed three officers of the law.
Jawaban: C
13. Perhatikan perkataan Loner pada paragraf 1: "...he robbed banks only because they stole money from the public, ...". Alasan Loner merampok bank adalah karena menurutnya bank telah merampok uang dari masyarakat. Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah He believed that the banks stole money from the public.
Jawaban: D
14. Kata disguise memiliki arti (menyamar), yang sama artinya dengan "change appearance" (mengubah penampilannya). Frase pada opsi lain masing-masing memiliki arti: reduce confidence (mengurangi kepercayaan diri) damage reputation (merusak nama baik) expose to view (menampakan untuk dilihat) dan made known (terkenal). Sinonim dari kata disguise adalah Change appearance.
Jawaban: A
The following text is for questions 15 and 16.
ASEAN private companies and its dialogue partner countries are expected to be more actively engaged in the region’s economic integration process, says ASEAN deputy secretary-general Pushpanathan Sundram. “We have provided several channels for ASEAN public officials and private sectors, such as regular consultations and business dialogues with industry associations and business councils from ASEAN and partner countries,” he said during his presentation at the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Forum in Manado, North Sulawesi, on Saturday. He explained that it was important for ASEAN to pay close attention to responses and feedback from the private sector on the implementation of measures stipulated in the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) blueprint.
The forum was jointly held by the Indonesian Trade Ministry, the US Mission to ASEAN and the US Agency for Internasional Deevelopment (USAID) on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meeting (AEMM). Sundram revealed that despite positive progress of the AEC blueprint measure implementation, several challenges remained in place, such as how to ensure a timely implementation of cutting issues such as coordination at national and regional levels,” he said.
The forum was jointly held by the Indonesian Trade Ministry, the US Mission to ASEAN and the US Agency for Internasional Deevelopment (USAID) on the sidelines of the 43rd ASEAN Economic Ministers’ Meeting (AEMM). Sundram revealed that despite positive progress of the AEC blueprint measure implementation, several challenges remained in place, such as how to ensure a timely implementation of cutting issues such as coordination at national and regional levels,” he said.
15. How can private companies and public officials from ASEAN countries participate in the region’s economic integration process? |
16. Which ministers of ASEAN countries most probably attended the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Forum? |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 15 dan 16.
15. Pertanyaan “How can private companies and public officials from ASEAN countries participate in the region’s economic integration process?” Inti pertanyaan di atas adalah menanyakan cara berpartisipasi perusahaan swasta dan pejabat publik dari negara ASEAN dalam proses integrasi ekonomi kawasannya. Jawaban yang tepat dan sesuai dengan teks adalah melalui konsultasi dan dialog atau "through consultations anda dialogues". Hal ini diperjelas kalimat berikut: "We have provided several channels for ASEAN public officials and private sectors, such as regular consultations and business dialogues with industry associations and business councils from ASEAN and partner countries". Kalimat ini menjelaskan bahwa ASEAN telah menyediakan beberapa jalur untuk pejabat public dan sektor swasta, seperti konsultasi regular dan dialog bisnis dengan assosiasi industri dan dewan bisnis dari ASEAN dan negara-negara sahabat. Maka, jawaban yang tepat Through consultations and dialogues.
Jawaban: B
16. Pertanyaan "Which ministers of ASEAN countries most probably attended the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Forum?" Inti pertanyaan di atas adalah menanyakan menteri yang paling mungkin menghadiri Forum Fasilitasi Perdagangan ASEAN. Jawaban yang tepat dan sesuai dengan teks adalah: The Trade Ministers atau Menteri Perdagangan. Hal ini diperjelas kalimat: "The forum was jointly held by the Indonesian Trade Ministry, . . ." Jawabannya adalah The Trade Ministers.
Jawaban: D
15. Pertanyaan “How can private companies and public officials from ASEAN countries participate in the region’s economic integration process?” Inti pertanyaan di atas adalah menanyakan cara berpartisipasi perusahaan swasta dan pejabat publik dari negara ASEAN dalam proses integrasi ekonomi kawasannya. Jawaban yang tepat dan sesuai dengan teks adalah melalui konsultasi dan dialog atau "through consultations anda dialogues". Hal ini diperjelas kalimat berikut: "We have provided several channels for ASEAN public officials and private sectors, such as regular consultations and business dialogues with industry associations and business councils from ASEAN and partner countries". Kalimat ini menjelaskan bahwa ASEAN telah menyediakan beberapa jalur untuk pejabat public dan sektor swasta, seperti konsultasi regular dan dialog bisnis dengan assosiasi industri dan dewan bisnis dari ASEAN dan negara-negara sahabat. Maka, jawaban yang tepat Through consultations and dialogues.
Jawaban: B
16. Pertanyaan "Which ministers of ASEAN countries most probably attended the ASEAN Trade Facilitation Forum?" Inti pertanyaan di atas adalah menanyakan menteri yang paling mungkin menghadiri Forum Fasilitasi Perdagangan ASEAN. Jawaban yang tepat dan sesuai dengan teks adalah: The Trade Ministers atau Menteri Perdagangan. Hal ini diperjelas kalimat: "The forum was jointly held by the Indonesian Trade Ministry, . . ." Jawabannya adalah The Trade Ministers.
Jawaban: D
The following text is for questions 17 to 19.
Jakarta post: Researches have found a technique to quickly assess disorders in babies. This new method, published Wednesday in the magazine Science Translational Medicine, is a proof of concept that it’s possible to quickly scan a baby’s entire DNA and pinpoint a disease-causing mutation in a couple of days instead of the more typical weeks as months. The study investigation to four babies said that the test could be one of the first partical fruits of the revolution in squencing an individual’s entire DNA.
The idea behind the test is to take advantage of what is known about disease symptoms to narrow the search for genetic. And that is a good step in the right direction, said Dr. Joe Gray, an expert in genome analysis at Oregon Health and Science University,. “It’s a big genome,” said Dr. Joe Gray, who was not involved with the study. “How do you know what part of it to search?”
While more research needs to be done before the test is ready for widespread use, he applauded the effort “If people don’t push the envelope like this, then we won’t get there,” Dr. Gray said.
The idea behind the test is to take advantage of what is known about disease symptoms to narrow the search for genetic. And that is a good step in the right direction, said Dr. Joe Gray, an expert in genome analysis at Oregon Health and Science University,. “It’s a big genome,” said Dr. Joe Gray, who was not involved with the study. “How do you know what part of it to search?”
While more research needs to be done before the test is ready for widespread use, he applauded the effort “If people don’t push the envelope like this, then we won’t get there,” Dr. Gray said.
17. What is the text about? |
18. Besides scanning a baby’s DNA, the new method .... |
19. “..., he applauded the effort ...” (Paragraph 3). The underlined word is closest in meaning to.... |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 17 sampai 19.
17. Perhatikan kalimat pada pragraf 1 kalimat pertama berikut "Jakarta post: Researches have found a technique to quickly assess disorders in babies”. (Jakarta Post: Peneliti telah menemukan sebuah tehnik cepat untuk menemukan kelainan pada bayi”). Dalam teks selanjutnya dijelaskan bahwa teknik tersebut adalah Scan DNA. Jadi, wacana memba has mengeni penemuan teknik baru dalam SCAN DNA pada bayi. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah DNA scan technique for babies.
Jawaban: D
18. Pernyataan "This new method, published Wednesday in the magazine Science Translational Medicine, is a proof of concept that it’s possible to quickly scan a baby’s entire DNA and pinpoint a disease-causing mutation (Metode ini, yang dipublikasikan pada han Rabu di Majalah Science Translational Medicine, membuktikan dan konsep bahwa memungkinkan untuk dengan cepat mengamati seluruh DNA bayi dan menentukan penyebab mutasi penyakit). Jadi, selain untuk scanning a baby, metode baru tersebut juga berguna untuk menjelaskan kelainan fisik seorang bayi yang disebabkan mutasi gen. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Detects its physical disorder.
Jawaban: B
19. Dalam konteks wacana di atas, makna yang paling dekat dengan kata "applauded" adalah "encourage" (memberi dorongan semangat). Sinonim dari kata applauded adalah Encouraged.
Jawaban: C
17. Perhatikan kalimat pada pragraf 1 kalimat pertama berikut "Jakarta post: Researches have found a technique to quickly assess disorders in babies”. (Jakarta Post: Peneliti telah menemukan sebuah tehnik cepat untuk menemukan kelainan pada bayi”). Dalam teks selanjutnya dijelaskan bahwa teknik tersebut adalah Scan DNA. Jadi, wacana memba has mengeni penemuan teknik baru dalam SCAN DNA pada bayi. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah DNA scan technique for babies.
Jawaban: D
18. Pernyataan "This new method, published Wednesday in the magazine Science Translational Medicine, is a proof of concept that it’s possible to quickly scan a baby’s entire DNA and pinpoint a disease-causing mutation (Metode ini, yang dipublikasikan pada han Rabu di Majalah Science Translational Medicine, membuktikan dan konsep bahwa memungkinkan untuk dengan cepat mengamati seluruh DNA bayi dan menentukan penyebab mutasi penyakit). Jadi, selain untuk scanning a baby, metode baru tersebut juga berguna untuk menjelaskan kelainan fisik seorang bayi yang disebabkan mutasi gen. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Detects its physical disorder.
Jawaban: B
19. Dalam konteks wacana di atas, makna yang paling dekat dengan kata "applauded" adalah "encourage" (memberi dorongan semangat). Sinonim dari kata applauded adalah Encouraged.
Jawaban: C
The following text is for questions 20 to 22.
Michael Schumacher announced his retirement from formula one for the second time at the age of 43 on Thursday after failing to rekindle his old Ferrari magic in a disappointing comeback with Mercedes.
The team had already announced last week that the seven-time world champion, winner of a record 91 races in a career that started in 1991, would be replaced by McLaren’s Lewis Hamilton for the start of the 2013 campaign.
Schumacher told reporters, packed into the confined space of the tented Mercedes hospitality at the Suzuka circuit ahead of Sunday’s Japanese Grand Prix that his decision came as a relief.
“I have decided to retire by the end of the year, although I am still able and capable to compete with the best drivers that are around,” he declared, reading from a statement. “But at some point, it is good to say goodbye. And that is what I am doing here ... and might this time be forever,” he smiled.
Schumacher first retirement came at the end of 2006, after he had won five titles in a row with Ferrari from 2000 and won two with the Benetton in 1994 and 1995.
That departure proved premature, with the most successful driver in 62-year history of the sport unable to resist the allure of a return with Mercedes. Schumacher said he now wanted to enjoy his last six races-Reuters.
20. How did Schumacher wanted to end his career? He wanted .... |
21. From the text we learn that Schumacher .... |
22. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 20 sampai 22.
20. Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada teks, yaitu "Schumacher said he now wanted to enjoy his last sin races." (Schumacher menyatakan bahwa sekarang dia ingin menikmati ke-enam balapan yang terakhir). Jadi, Schumacher ingin menikmati enam balapan terakhirnya To enjoy his last six races.
Jawaban: B
21. Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf pertama, yaitu: "... after failing to rekindle his old Fen-an magic in a disappointing comeback with Mercedes" (....setelah gaga) untuk menghidupkan kembali sihir Ferrari tua pada kedatangannya kembali (di dunia balap) yang mengecewakan bersama Mercedes). Dad paragraf pertama dapat diketahui bahwa Schumacher gagal memuaskan dalam kedatangannya kembali ke dunia balap bersama Mercedes. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Failed to comeback with satisfying result with Mercedes.
Jawaban: E
22. Ide utama dari paragraf tersebut cukup jelas, yaitu The team had already announced ... would be replaced by McLarenS Lewis Hamilton." (Tim telah mengumumkan bahwa (Schumacher) akan digantikan oleh Lewis Hamilton dad McLarens). Maka, jawaban yang tepat Schumacher will be replaced by Lewis Hamilton.
Jawaban: D
20. Perhatikan kalimat terakhir pada teks, yaitu "Schumacher said he now wanted to enjoy his last sin races." (Schumacher menyatakan bahwa sekarang dia ingin menikmati ke-enam balapan yang terakhir). Jadi, Schumacher ingin menikmati enam balapan terakhirnya To enjoy his last six races.
Jawaban: B
21. Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf pertama, yaitu: "... after failing to rekindle his old Fen-an magic in a disappointing comeback with Mercedes" (....setelah gaga) untuk menghidupkan kembali sihir Ferrari tua pada kedatangannya kembali (di dunia balap) yang mengecewakan bersama Mercedes). Dad paragraf pertama dapat diketahui bahwa Schumacher gagal memuaskan dalam kedatangannya kembali ke dunia balap bersama Mercedes. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah Failed to comeback with satisfying result with Mercedes.
Jawaban: E
22. Ide utama dari paragraf tersebut cukup jelas, yaitu The team had already announced ... would be replaced by McLarenS Lewis Hamilton." (Tim telah mengumumkan bahwa (Schumacher) akan digantikan oleh Lewis Hamilton dad McLarens). Maka, jawaban yang tepat Schumacher will be replaced by Lewis Hamilton.
Jawaban: D
The following text is for questions 23 to 25.
The city administrastration offered Ragunan Zoo in South Jakarta the financial support it need to become a world-class tourist destination, but the offer was refused by the management.
Governor Joko ”Jokowi” Widodo offered to disburse up to Rp500 billion (US$45,5 million) for the project, with the only requirement being a master plan that would be valid for a century.
“The preparation to make the blueprint and macro design for the zoo should start now. The administration is ready to release the funds as long as there is a clear program,” he said on the sidelines of the public dialogue at the zoo on Tuesday.
The newly installed zoo supervisor, business tycoon Hashim Djojohadikusumo, declined the offer, saying that blueprint could only be formulated next year.
He further insisted” we can request budget funds the following year once we finish collecting public feed back.” Zoo director Marsawitri Gumay said that the zoo was in dire need of more funds to improve infrastructure, such as animal enclosures.
On regular days, the 147-hectare zoo is visited by around 3,000 people, this number rises to 20,000 people on weekends and can reach 60,000 during school holidays. During peak seasons, such as Idul Fitri, visitors can number over 140,000 each day.
“With such a tight budget, we cannot make infrastructure improvements. Most of enclosure need to be replaced, not to mention street vendors who enter the zoo and littering visitors,” Marsawitri said.
23. What is the text about? |
24. What happens at Ragunan Zoo on regular days? |
25. “Governor Joko ”Jokowi” Widodo offered to disburse up to Rp 500 billion ...” (paragraph 2) The underlined word is closest in meaning to... |
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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 23 sampai 25.
23. Wacana membicarakan mengenai penolakan tawaran dana dari pemerintah kota oleh pihak manajemen kebun bintang Ragunan Karen suatu alasan. Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf pertama: "The city administration offered Ragunen Zoo in South Jakarta the financial support it needed to become a world-class tourist destination, but the offer was refused by the management." (Pemerintah kota menawari Kebun Binatang Ragunan di Jakarta Selatan bantuan finansial yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi tujuan wisata berkelas dunia, tetapi tawaran itu ditolak oleh manajemen.) Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Refusal fund by Ragunan Zoo management.
Jawaban: E
24. Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf ketujuh: On regular days, the 147-hectare zoo is visited by around 3,000 people,..." artinya (Pada hari biasa, kebun binatang 147 hektar didatangi oleh sekitar 3.000 orang,.." Jadi, jawabannya adalah It is visited by around 3,000 people.
Jawaban: B
25. Kata yang digaris bawahi dalam soal "disburse" yang berarti (membayar). Sedangkan arti pada pilihan lainnya yaitu: pay (membayar) return (mengembalikan) repay (membayar kembali) distribute (membagi-bagikan) compensate (memberi ganti rugi). Sinonim kata disburse adalah Pay.
Jawaban: A
23. Wacana membicarakan mengenai penolakan tawaran dana dari pemerintah kota oleh pihak manajemen kebun bintang Ragunan Karen suatu alasan. Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf pertama: "The city administration offered Ragunen Zoo in South Jakarta the financial support it needed to become a world-class tourist destination, but the offer was refused by the management." (Pemerintah kota menawari Kebun Binatang Ragunan di Jakarta Selatan bantuan finansial yang dibutuhkan untuk menjadi tujuan wisata berkelas dunia, tetapi tawaran itu ditolak oleh manajemen.) Maka, pilihan yang tepat adalah Refusal fund by Ragunan Zoo management.
Jawaban: E
24. Perhatikan kalimat pada paragraf ketujuh: On regular days, the 147-hectare zoo is visited by around 3,000 people,..." artinya (Pada hari biasa, kebun binatang 147 hektar didatangi oleh sekitar 3.000 orang,.." Jadi, jawabannya adalah It is visited by around 3,000 people.
Jawaban: B
25. Kata yang digaris bawahi dalam soal "disburse" yang berarti (membayar). Sedangkan arti pada pilihan lainnya yaitu: pay (membayar) return (mengembalikan) repay (membayar kembali) distribute (membagi-bagikan) compensate (memberi ganti rugi). Sinonim kata disburse adalah Pay.
Jawaban: A
The following text is for questions 26 to 28.
Multinational Crystal Lagoons will mark its return to Cityscape in Dubai with the launch of its latest and grandest project to date, which once completed will be entered into the Guiness Book of World Records.
The developer of the giant crystalline lagoons has signed a deal to construct the world’s largest man-made lagoon, covering 40 hectares, almost four-times bigger than the world’s largest exiting lagoon. Located in the upscale Mohammad Bin Rashid City-District One residential community, in the heart of Dubai, the lagoon will from an integral part of the US$ 7 billion project.
Mohammad Bin Rashid City-District One is a prestigious joint venture between Dubai-based Meydan Group and real estate developer, Sobha Group. The new lagoon with its expansive custom-made beaches, which offer unlimited scope for swimming, water sports and other water based leisure activities, will be a core amenity within Mohammad Bin Rashid City- District One’s 47 million square feet of freehold land.
The expansive development will feature luxury residences, green parkland, waterways, a high end shopping and dining pavilion and large recreational spaces creating one of the lowest density developments in the heart of any international city.
“Caribbean landscapes are no longer exclusive to tropical destinations.
“Our pioneering concept and state-of-the art technology, which allows for sustainable, swimmable, turquoise lagoons of unlimited sizes to be built and maintained at low cost anywhere in the world, is proving extremely popular with our growing list partners across the Middle East” said Kevin Morgan, chief executive of Crystal Lagoons. (News: Business).
The developer of the giant crystalline lagoons has signed a deal to construct the world’s largest man-made lagoon, covering 40 hectares, almost four-times bigger than the world’s largest exiting lagoon. Located in the upscale Mohammad Bin Rashid City-District One residential community, in the heart of Dubai, the lagoon will from an integral part of the US$ 7 billion project.
Mohammad Bin Rashid City-District One is a prestigious joint venture between Dubai-based Meydan Group and real estate developer, Sobha Group. The new lagoon with its expansive custom-made beaches, which offer unlimited scope for swimming, water sports and other water based leisure activities, will be a core amenity within Mohammad Bin Rashid City- District One’s 47 million square feet of freehold land.
The expansive development will feature luxury residences, green parkland, waterways, a high end shopping and dining pavilion and large recreational spaces creating one of the lowest density developments in the heart of any international city.
“Caribbean landscapes are no longer exclusive to tropical destinations.
“Our pioneering concept and state-of-the art technology, which allows for sustainable, swimmable, turquoise lagoons of unlimited sizes to be built and maintained at low cost anywhere in the world, is proving extremely popular with our growing list partners across the Middle East” said Kevin Morgan, chief executive of Crystal Lagoons. (News: Business).
26. The text is mainly about …. |
27. What is the aim of development an outstanding lagoon? |
28. From the third paragraph, we imply that .… |
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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 26 sampai 28.
26. Dalam teks membicarakan tentang perkembangan “Lagoons” (danau di pinggir laut) di dunia. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah The development of Lagoons in the world.
Jawaban: D
27. Dalam teks menjelaskan bahwa “lagoon” dapat membuat tempat-tempat wisata menjadi semakin mewah dan menarik sehingga dapat menarik para turis untuk datang To attract tourists from all over the world to come.
Jawaban: C
28. Dalam paragraf ketiga disebutkan bahwa lagoon dapat menyediakan tempat-tempat olahraga yang lebih menarik lagi, di teks mereka menyebutkan swimming dan water sport. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah The new Lagoon offers unrestricted spaces for sport (Lagoon baru menawarkan ruang rerbulia untuk olahraga).
Jawaban: D
26. Dalam teks membicarakan tentang perkembangan “Lagoons” (danau di pinggir laut) di dunia. Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah The development of Lagoons in the world.
Jawaban: D
27. Dalam teks menjelaskan bahwa “lagoon” dapat membuat tempat-tempat wisata menjadi semakin mewah dan menarik sehingga dapat menarik para turis untuk datang To attract tourists from all over the world to come.
Jawaban: C
28. Dalam paragraf ketiga disebutkan bahwa lagoon dapat menyediakan tempat-tempat olahraga yang lebih menarik lagi, di teks mereka menyebutkan swimming dan water sport. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah The new Lagoon offers unrestricted spaces for sport (Lagoon baru menawarkan ruang rerbulia untuk olahraga).
Jawaban: D
The following text is for questions 29 to 31.
Jakarta, Wed. Many people are closely following the political polls during the fi nal weeks preceding this important general election. But how do these polls actually work?
“Polls are surveys of a relatively small number of people compared to the actual number who wiil vote. They are to predict who may actually win an election before the final vote,” said a politic observer, Muhammad Faishal.
Let’s say that 100 million people are expected to vote in the general election. If 100 people are asked for their opinions, each respondent represents a million voters. Faishal emphasized further, “ it is obvious, the result of such a poll are not very reliable. The more people surveyed, the more, meaningful are the results”.
Pollsters have various ways of making their polls more accurate. They try to find a representative of variety of people to question. For example, they look for people with similar backgrounds and from similar regions to those of all voters.
Pollsters also ask questions that try to find how many people who support each candidate will actually vote. If a candidate has a higher percentage of enthusiastic supporters than his opponent, he has a better chance of winning than the low numbers might suggest. Pollsters may only count those who they consider to be “likely voters”.
If we look at the polls that are taken over time, we can often detect a trend. We can tell if a candidate is gaining or losing support when we compare with the most recent polls to the earlier ones.
Polls often ask potential (those who could be) voters what they like or dislike about each candidate . the campaigns use those results to help them decide which issues to stress pr which positions to clarify. They can also determine which voters to target with their massages.
“Because no two people are the same, polls can never be perfect predictors of the real vote. But they can give important clues as to where things may be heading. At the very least, if you like politics, polls can be great entertainment,“ Faishal said. (the news)
“Polls are surveys of a relatively small number of people compared to the actual number who wiil vote. They are to predict who may actually win an election before the final vote,” said a politic observer, Muhammad Faishal.
Let’s say that 100 million people are expected to vote in the general election. If 100 people are asked for their opinions, each respondent represents a million voters. Faishal emphasized further, “ it is obvious, the result of such a poll are not very reliable. The more people surveyed, the more, meaningful are the results”.
Pollsters have various ways of making their polls more accurate. They try to find a representative of variety of people to question. For example, they look for people with similar backgrounds and from similar regions to those of all voters.
Pollsters also ask questions that try to find how many people who support each candidate will actually vote. If a candidate has a higher percentage of enthusiastic supporters than his opponent, he has a better chance of winning than the low numbers might suggest. Pollsters may only count those who they consider to be “likely voters”.
If we look at the polls that are taken over time, we can often detect a trend. We can tell if a candidate is gaining or losing support when we compare with the most recent polls to the earlier ones.
Polls often ask potential (those who could be) voters what they like or dislike about each candidate . the campaigns use those results to help them decide which issues to stress pr which positions to clarify. They can also determine which voters to target with their massages.
“Because no two people are the same, polls can never be perfect predictors of the real vote. But they can give important clues as to where things may be heading. At the very least, if you like politics, polls can be great entertainment,“ Faishal said. (the news)
29. Which of the following is the most suitable title for the text? |
30. We can infer from the text that …. |
31. What is main idea of paragraph 4? |
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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 29 sampai 31.
29. Keseluruhan teks membicarakan mengenai Political polls (jejak pendapat)
Jawaban: A
30. Seperti yang ditulis di dalam teks bahwa semakin banyak orang yang disurvey maka hasilnyapun akan semakin konkret. Jawabannya adalah The more people involved in a polls, the more reliable the result will be.
Jawaban: B
31. Dalam teks memberitahu bahwa salah satu cara yang mewakili beberapa cara adalah dengan bertanya kepada para voters, A representative of variety people is chosen to ask question.
Jawaban: D
29. Keseluruhan teks membicarakan mengenai Political polls (jejak pendapat)
Jawaban: A
30. Seperti yang ditulis di dalam teks bahwa semakin banyak orang yang disurvey maka hasilnyapun akan semakin konkret. Jawabannya adalah The more people involved in a polls, the more reliable the result will be.
Jawaban: B
31. Dalam teks memberitahu bahwa salah satu cara yang mewakili beberapa cara adalah dengan bertanya kepada para voters, A representative of variety people is chosen to ask question.
Jawaban: D
The following text is for questions 32 and 33.
Jakarta post: The research, published in the proceedings of the Royal Society B, has investigated the bacterium in eleven individuals ranging from as far back as the Bronze age up to the twentieth century. Samples have been taken from individuals in Europe and in both pre and post-colonial America. The oldest case study was that of an individual from 1200 BC, found in Burial cave in Mountainsell (Licidia, Catalonia).
The study found that ancient genetic material from principle Bacterium, streptococcus mutant, cause dental carries. The mutant has increased its genetic material change overtime. This is possibly due to the coincidence of dietary changes that are linked with the expansion of humanity.
Similar study conducted by researchers from the University Autonma de Barcelona (UAB) and laboratoria Nasional de Genomica para la Bie diversided, Mexico, put the genetic material in order and found that genetic diversity has been produced, especially in the fragment of a gene that codifies a virulence factor known as dextranase.
The study found that ancient genetic material from principle Bacterium, streptococcus mutant, cause dental carries. The mutant has increased its genetic material change overtime. This is possibly due to the coincidence of dietary changes that are linked with the expansion of humanity.
Similar study conducted by researchers from the University Autonma de Barcelona (UAB) and laboratoria Nasional de Genomica para la Bie diversided, Mexico, put the genetic material in order and found that genetic diversity has been produced, especially in the fragment of a gene that codifies a virulence factor known as dextranase.
32. How could the ancient genetic expand to humanity? |
33. What is the first paragraph about? |
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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 32 dan 33.
32. Pada teks tertulis bahwa "The study found that ancient genetic material from principle bacterium, streptococcus mutant, cause dental carries. The mutant has increased its genetic material change overtime. This is possibly due to the coincidence of dietary changes that are linked with the expansion of humanity." Yang artinya adalah (Studi menemukan bahwa sebuah materi genetik dad Bakteri mutan streptococcus, menyebabkan karies gigi. Mutan telah melakukan perubahan peningkatan pada materi genetik. Hal ini mungkin karena perubahan pola makan yang terkait dengan peningkatan jumlah manusia.) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Through coincidental links with human's dietary changes.
Jawaban: A
33. Pada teks disebutkan "The research, published in the proceedings of the royal society B, has investigated the bacterium in eleven individuals" yaitu (Peneliti telah melakukan penelitian terhadap sebelas individu.) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah The investigation of the bacterium in eleven individuals.
Jawaban: E
32. Pada teks tertulis bahwa "The study found that ancient genetic material from principle bacterium, streptococcus mutant, cause dental carries. The mutant has increased its genetic material change overtime. This is possibly due to the coincidence of dietary changes that are linked with the expansion of humanity." Yang artinya adalah (Studi menemukan bahwa sebuah materi genetik dad Bakteri mutan streptococcus, menyebabkan karies gigi. Mutan telah melakukan perubahan peningkatan pada materi genetik. Hal ini mungkin karena perubahan pola makan yang terkait dengan peningkatan jumlah manusia.) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah Through coincidental links with human's dietary changes.
Jawaban: A
33. Pada teks disebutkan "The research, published in the proceedings of the royal society B, has investigated the bacterium in eleven individuals" yaitu (Peneliti telah melakukan penelitian terhadap sebelas individu.) Jadi, jawaban yang tepat adalah The investigation of the bacterium in eleven individuals.
Jawaban: E
The following text is for questions 34 and 35.
Chinese Group Demands that Japanese Emperor Return Ancient Artefact
By Ankit Panda February 13, 2016
Adding to a growing list of diplomatic disputes between China and Japan, a Chinese group is demanding that Japan’s emperor return a 1.300-year-old artefact that was allegedly looted by Japanese Soldiers in the 1930s. According to a Xinhua report, the artefact in question in the Honglujing Stele, originally from “north eastern China.” The request was made in a letter addressed to Emperor Akihito of Japan by China Federation of Demanding Compensation from Japan (CFDC) via Japan’s embassy in China. The request has been prominently reported by both China’s domestic and international media outlets, suggesting that part of the intent is to shame Japan for its actions during the first half of the 20th century.
From Xinhua’s report, it is unclear the extent to which the Chinese government is involved in the request for the return on the artefact. The China Federation of Demanding Compensation from Japan (CFDC) is a civic group, independent of the government. According to Xinhua, “This is the first time a Chinese civic group has asked the Japanese imperial family for the return of a looted Chinese relic. “The group” seeks compensation for personal, material, and spiritual damage caused by Japanese militarism during the country’s aggression against China in the 20th century.”
By Ankit Panda February 13, 2016
Adding to a growing list of diplomatic disputes between China and Japan, a Chinese group is demanding that Japan’s emperor return a 1.300-year-old artefact that was allegedly looted by Japanese Soldiers in the 1930s. According to a Xinhua report, the artefact in question in the Honglujing Stele, originally from “north eastern China.” The request was made in a letter addressed to Emperor Akihito of Japan by China Federation of Demanding Compensation from Japan (CFDC) via Japan’s embassy in China. The request has been prominently reported by both China’s domestic and international media outlets, suggesting that part of the intent is to shame Japan for its actions during the first half of the 20th century.
From Xinhua’s report, it is unclear the extent to which the Chinese government is involved in the request for the return on the artefact. The China Federation of Demanding Compensation from Japan (CFDC) is a civic group, independent of the government. According to Xinhua, “This is the first time a Chinese civic group has asked the Japanese imperial family for the return of a looted Chinese relic. “The group” seeks compensation for personal, material, and spiritual damage caused by Japanese militarism during the country’s aggression against China in the 20th century.”
34. What can be inferred from the text? |
35. “..., a Chinese Group is demanding that Japan emperor return a 1.300-year-old artefact that was allegedly looted by Japanese soldiers in the 1930s.” (Paragraph 1). The underlined word is closest in meaning to.... |
Lihat Pembahasan
Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 34 dan 35.
34. Pada teks tersebut "From Xinhua's report, it is unclear the extent to which the chinese government is involved in the request for the return on the artefact" yaitu bahwa China meminta Jepang mengembalikan artefak. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah China Federation of Demanding Compensation (CFDC) has asked Japan to return the artefact without any condition.
Jawaban: B
35. Kata "looted" berarti (dijarah). Kata yang memilild arti yang dekat, yaitu Stolen (dicuri).
Jawaban: A
34. Pada teks tersebut "From Xinhua's report, it is unclear the extent to which the chinese government is involved in the request for the return on the artefact" yaitu bahwa China meminta Jepang mengembalikan artefak. Maka, jawaban yang tepat adalah China Federation of Demanding Compensation (CFDC) has asked Japan to return the artefact without any condition.
Jawaban: B
35. Kata "looted" berarti (dijarah). Kata yang memilild arti yang dekat, yaitu Stolen (dicuri).
Jawaban: A
The following text is for questions 36 to 38.
Webcams Make Alaska Bears Accessible Mark Thiessen, Associated Press, Anchorage, Alaska Sci-Tech Tue, July 24, 2012, 6:15 PM
A new video initiative is bringing the famed brown bears of Alaska’s Katmai National Park directly to computers and smartphones.
Without having to go there, you’ll be able to watch mature bears compete for salmon at Brook Falls and other sites and cubs tumbling over each other as they play. Starting Tuesday, a live Web stream (http:// is.gd/bfPAs8) will allow the public to log on and see the brown bears in their natural habitat.
“I think it’s an unparalleled opportunity for people to get that front row seat of the lives of the bears at Brooks Camp”, said Roy Wood, chief of interpretation for Katmai National Park and Preserve.
The project is a partnership with explore. org, which set up four high-definition cameras in Katmai, spokesman Jason Damata told The Associated Press. Three of them are at existing viewing stands where bear fans come to watch the animals.
The cameras provide access to a national park that is difficult to reach and expensive for most tourists. It is about 275 miles southwest of Anchorage, but no roads lead to Katmai. A trip there involves multiple airplanes and a lot of advanced planning: it’s hard to get a lodge reservation at Brooks Camp before 2014. Camping is allowed, but on a reservation system that goes online January 5.
“It takes a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money, and the webcams will make it accessible to anyone with access to a computer, a smartphone, a table device,” Wood said.
A new video initiative is bringing the famed brown bears of Alaska’s Katmai National Park directly to computers and smartphones.
Without having to go there, you’ll be able to watch mature bears compete for salmon at Brook Falls and other sites and cubs tumbling over each other as they play. Starting Tuesday, a live Web stream (http:// is.gd/bfPAs8) will allow the public to log on and see the brown bears in their natural habitat.
“I think it’s an unparalleled opportunity for people to get that front row seat of the lives of the bears at Brooks Camp”, said Roy Wood, chief of interpretation for Katmai National Park and Preserve.
The project is a partnership with explore. org, which set up four high-definition cameras in Katmai, spokesman Jason Damata told The Associated Press. Three of them are at existing viewing stands where bear fans come to watch the animals.
The cameras provide access to a national park that is difficult to reach and expensive for most tourists. It is about 275 miles southwest of Anchorage, but no roads lead to Katmai. A trip there involves multiple airplanes and a lot of advanced planning: it’s hard to get a lodge reservation at Brooks Camp before 2014. Camping is allowed, but on a reservation system that goes online January 5.
“It takes a lot of time, a lot of effort and a lot of money, and the webcams will make it accessible to anyone with access to a computer, a smartphone, a table device,” Wood said.
36. What is the text about? |
37. It’s proudly stated in the text that .... |
38. “.... to watch mature bears compete for salmon at Brook Falls. “ (paragraph 2) The underlined word is the most closely associated to.... |
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Pembahasan berikut ini untuk soal nomor 36 sampai 38.
36. Pada teks disebutkan "A new video initiative is bringing the famed brown bears of Alaska's Katmai National Park directly to computers and smartphones" yang artinya sebuah (Inisiatif video barn yang membawa beruang cokelat terkenal dad Taman Nasional Katmai Alaska langsung ke komputer dan telepon pintar) Jawaban yang tepat adalah A video display of Katmai’s bears for computers and smartphones.
Jawaban: A
37. Pada teks disebutkan "I think it's an unparalleled opportunity for people to get that front row seat of the lives & the bears at Brooks Camp" yang artinya bahwa (Saya pikir itu kesempatan yang langka bagi orang untuk mendapatkan kursi bans depan untuk melihat kehidupan para beruang di Brooks Camp) Jadi, jawabannya adalah Webcams enable us to see bears’ life in nature on a computer or a smartphone.
Jawaban: E
38. Kata "compete memiliki arti (bersaing). Kata yang memiliki kedekatan makna adalah Fight (bertarung).
Jawaban: A
36. Pada teks disebutkan "A new video initiative is bringing the famed brown bears of Alaska's Katmai National Park directly to computers and smartphones" yang artinya sebuah (Inisiatif video barn yang membawa beruang cokelat terkenal dad Taman Nasional Katmai Alaska langsung ke komputer dan telepon pintar) Jawaban yang tepat adalah A video display of Katmai’s bears for computers and smartphones.
Jawaban: A
37. Pada teks disebutkan "I think it's an unparalleled opportunity for people to get that front row seat of the lives & the bears at Brooks Camp" yang artinya bahwa (Saya pikir itu kesempatan yang langka bagi orang untuk mendapatkan kursi bans depan untuk melihat kehidupan para beruang di Brooks Camp) Jadi, jawabannya adalah Webcams enable us to see bears’ life in nature on a computer or a smartphone.
Jawaban: E
38. Kata "compete memiliki arti (bersaing). Kata yang memiliki kedekatan makna adalah Fight (bertarung).
Jawaban: A
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