How to Make Ice Cream – Best Example of Procedure Text

How to Make Ice Cream – Best Example of Procedure Text

This is the best example of procedure text on how to make ice cream deliciously. The best thing to learn and the best food to eat hehe. Well a procedure or in other term is instruction text is written to show how to make thing completely. The clearest sample is about recipe. How to the food is cooked with instructional sentences.

Procedure text is showing the the steps and not just explain. If the text tend to explain the process a lot, t can be a example of explanation text. If you want to see the distinction, you can read the difference between procedure and explanation text in English

How to make something completely is the best example of procedure text. As we all know that a procedure text is instructing, showing the steps of making completely something. This kind of text in English is commonly organized in imperative sentences. Bellow is another example of procedure text.

Making Ice Cream without Machine

example of procedure how t make ice cream

Simple intruction on making delicious ice cream in the best example of procedure text in English

First of all. prepare your ice cream mixture, then chill it over an ice bath.
Then, pour your custard mixture in a deep baking dish and put in the freezer.
After forty-five minutes, remove it from the freezer and stir it vigorously with a spatula or whisk.
Continue to check the mixture every 30 minutes, stirring vigorously as it’s freezing.
Keep checking periodically and stirring until the ice cream is frozen.

The last step, transfer the ice cream to a covered storage container until ready to serve.

This example of procedure text instructing how to make simple delicious ice cream is simplified from:

How are all procedure texts organized by the writers? This is the scope of generic structure which student should also know. The elements of procedure text are the simplest ones. They are:

  1. What is the goal: Stating the goal is expressed in the tittle
  2. Materials needed: What are the materials need to have before making and following the steps
  3. Series of steps: This is the core of procedure text, the steps to make the thing completely.

Do you know that this blog of learning English online has some articles relating to ice cream or food and beverage in general? Well, if some one you haven’t known yet. We recall them now

That’s all our material for learning English texts. There are several main kinds of text. If want to regroup again the kinds of text, we just know narrative, descriptive, and argumentative. So happy learning English

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