Making, Accepting and Refusing Invitation

Making, Accepting and Refusing Invitation

English Admin – Cara membuat, menolak dan menerima sebuah undangan dalam bahasa Inggris. Making and responding any invitation, formal invitation or informal invitation can be illustrated as follow using some keywords or useful expressions:

Making Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

  • I would like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my home.
  • I was wondering if you’d like to come to dinner on Wednesday evening.
  • Would you like/care to have dinner with us on Saturday?
  • What/How about dinner tonight?
  • Let’s go to our place for dinner.

Accepting Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

  • Thanks for your invitation. I’d be delighted to.
  • Thank you. I’d love to.
  • Yes, thanks. That would be great/wonderful.
  • Sounds great/like fun.
  • OK/All right.

12. accepting invitation

Refusing Invitations
Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

  • I’m awfully/terribly sorry. I have other plans for that night.
  • I’d really like to, but I have an appointment that day.
  • Thanks for asking, but I’m afraid I’m busy.
  • I can’t. I’ve got a lot of work to do.
  • Sorry. I’m already tied up.

Sample phrases (from formal to informal)

  • Thank you, but I’ll have to check my calendar. Do you mind if I tell you on Monday?
  • I’m not sure what my plans are. Could I get back to you tomorrow?
  • I might be busy. I’ll let you know later.

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