Contoh Explanation Text dan Generic Structure: Gerhana Venus

Contoh Explanation Text dan Generic Structure: Gerhana Venus

Contoh explanation text: Dalam istilah tata suya, kita mengenal istilah gerhana matahari, gerhana bulan dan gerhana venus. Bagaiamana terjadinya gerhana venus (Venus Eclipse) tersebut? Proses terjadinya itu kalau ditulis menjadi contoh explanation text. Dan agar lebih mudah memahaminya, disertakan pula analisa generic structure nya.

How Venus eclipse happens is best given to an example of explanation texts. Explanation text is compose to describe how something forms and why something exists and happens. What is an explanation text and how is the explanation text composed? Explanation text is structured by the generic level of general statement and followed with sequenced explanation. To have clear understanding on the explanation text, let’s see the following example of explanation text!

How Venus Eclipse Happens

contoh explanation text gerhana venus

Venus Eclipse adalah fenomena alam seperti gerhana matahari dan bulan, bagiamana terjadinya venus eclipse ditulis menjadi contoh expalanation text

On May 16, 2010, people in most regions in the world have seen a very rare natural phenomenon. It was Venus eclipse. It was very rare amazing natural event. It was reported that the Venus eclipse will seen again in the future in 2050. Do you know how this rare Venus eclipse happens?

Well, actually Venus eclipse is like Sun eclipse. Venus eclipses occurs when the position of the earth, moon and Venus is parallel. Venus planet will slowly disappear for a moment because it is covered the surface of the Moon. Venus planet seems to move to the back side of the Moon.

The moon and planets are sharing a similar apparent path in the sky. That is why, it is not unusual for the moon to appear to pass close to Venus. In fact, the moon appears somewhere near it about once a month. However, most people don’t see these events because they are visible in the evening sky only half the time, and then only for a short period after sunset. The apparent closeness varies from month to month as well.
Note: This example of explanation text about how Venus eclipse happens is arranged from and

Analisa Generic Structure Explanation Text tentang Bagimana Terjadinya Gerhana Venus (Venus Eclipse)

Sebenarnya semua contoh explanation text  itu adalah versi berita (affirmative) dari contoh procedure text. Kita tahu kalau teks procedure akan ditulis dengan model intruksi, maka teks explanation akan disampaikan dengan gaya penjelasan. Keduanya menunjukkan bagaiamana sebuah phoneomena itu terjadi. Berikut generic structure dari explanation text!

1. General statement: Stating the phenomenon issues which are to be explained. Pernyataan apa yang mau ditujukkan proses terjadinya. Dalam contoh diatas tentu saja sangat namapak kalau teks diatas akan membicarakan vesus eclipse
It was Venus eclipse. It was very rare amazing natural event.
2. Sequenced explanation: Stating a series of steps which explain the phenomena. Bagaimana proses terjadinya sesuatu itu aka dijabarkan dengan beberpa steps dan langkah dalam bentuk berita
Venus eclipses occurs when the position of the earth, moon and Venus is parallel.

it is not unusual for the moon to appear to pass close to Venus. In fact, the moon appears somewhere near it about once a month.
Itulah contoh explanation text tentang fenomena alam gerhana venus  (venus eclipse). Explanation text biasanya menjawab pertanya bagaimana dan kenapa suatu fenomena itu terjadi. Sekian semoga berguna.


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